Remember, this was the election campaign tag of BJP. I do not know whether India was really shining during that time. However, I can say that per capita income of the country is raising. Let me substantiate.
I had been to
thirumala this weekend though I knew this was a bad time to plan the trip especially knowing the formation of LPA over camorin which is the cause of cyclonic storm Phyan. This made me feel that we can have quicker dharshan. However, I was absolutely wrong. Phyan or katrina, people will always be there.
We did not want to risk ourselves standing in the normal dharshan queue waiting for hours to get dharshan. And for those people like us, they have Seegra (speical) dharshan queue which was obviously costlier than normal. So we got tickets and entered the seegra dharshan. To our horror, there was a huge toll of people standing in the same queue that I went back and confirmed with security that this is indeed special dharshan queue.
We waited for half an hour and the queue started moving slowly. When we were finding it difficult to take a step, some 5 people started running in the adjecent pathway. And the pathway is nothing but normal dharshan.Surprisingly the same thing happened at thiruchaanoor, kalahasthi and thiruthani.
India is shining. Time is money and people are ready to fritter for want of more time. its nothing wrong with this mentality. However, its an issue when all people think alike.
So whats the way out for this???